Class 4 – Autumn Term

Autumn Term in Year 4

Roman Britain

The children will begin the term by looking at the origin story of ‘Romulus and Remus’ and the focus will be writing a short story closely looking at settings and descriptions. Following this, a more topic linked piece of work by writing instructions about how to become a Roman Solider. The children will also look at advertisements and complete an advert to become a Roman soldier and write letters to apply for the role. Finally, the children will focus on an action story, a losing tale. During our Pathways to Read sessions we shall be looking at ‘A World Full of Animal Stories’ where we look at all the unique myths and legends throughout the world. We will then move onto ‘The Train to Impossible Places’.

We begin the term by building on the children’s knowledge and understanding of place value and in particular, their ability to reason and problem solve around the topic area. During this unit, the children will also continue to write in Roman Numerals to develop their understanding of this skill. Next we will look at addition and subtraction with four digit numbers and we will learn how to choose the most appropriate strategy for a calculation both with and without an exchange. We will also explore effective ways to estimate and develop the ability to check answers accurately. Together we will consolidate our ability to multiply and divide by 10 and 100, recap 3, 4 and 8 times tables and learn the 6, 7 and 9 times tables ready for the Multiplication Tables Check. Each week the children will build and challenge their arithmetic skills allowing them to calculate quicker in their heads.

Our first science focus will be on living things and their habitats. Children will investigate how living things can be grouped in a variety of ways – exploring and using classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things. We will also work to recognise that environments can pose dangers to living things. Our second focus will be learning about states of matter and exploring how materials can change state in solids, liquids, and gases. We will pay particular attention to the water cycle, including evaporation and condensation.

Year 4 children play their own brass instrument with the Love Music Trust.  They will come in and provide taught sessions weekly and expectations are that the children practice at home. The year will end with the children ‘Playing with The Halle’, parents are invited to this event. We shall also have opportunities throughout the year to join with other classes and the whole school to sing with our celebrations.

Modern Foreign Language:
Building on their prior learning, the children will begin to develop their ability to hold simple conversations. We will also explore language patterns using song and rhyme. We will be looking at and discussing ‘Our Travels’ how we travel about, where we travel to and further develop our ability to communicate in French.

Art/Design and Technology:
During art lessons the children will look at the work of William Turner; this includes looking at observational drawings, mixing different tones of colours with watercolours and adapting his paintings.  DT will see the children investigating different types of bread; the children will evaluate current products before designing and making their own.

Using maps and atlases, the children will locate the Roman Empire, looking at why the Romans choose to settle in the areas they did based on geographical knowledge. We will also compare how these areas have changed over time and explore what these places are like as holiday destinations.

Our journey through time sees us exploring what life was like during Roman times and how it affected Britain, from Caesar’s first attempted invasion in 55-54 BC toBoudicca and the British resistance, the children will use historical enquiry to discover why this period was such an important part of Britain’s heritage.

This term we will be using and combining a variety of software to observe and record different weather types.We will develop understanding of opportunities offered by the World Wide Web for communication and collaboration. Internet safely will be a priority throughout the year and keeping ourselves safe on line.

This term we will be looking at two topics. The first of these will be ‘Being me in my world’, here we will look at who we are individually and how we fit into the modern world. The second topic we will be looking at ‘Celebrating Difference’, here we will be looking at respect for similarities and differences, anti-bullying and being unique.

World Religions:
In our World Religions work we will be looking at beliefs, what they are? Why they are important? As well as looking at what we believe. We will then be going on to look at what the differences between religion and belief is as well as those who choose not to believe in anything. We shall also be celebrating as a whole school and looking at the Harvest Festival as well as our lead up to Christmas.

Our P.E. for this term will be based on swimming and developing our skills of being able to stay safe in and around water.

Homework: Homework will continue to be set on Google Classroom. You will find password details in your child’s planner for them to gain access any online platform that we use. Children will be given English and Maths homework on a Friday to be completed by the following Wednesday. The children must be practicing their times tables daily on TT Rockstars. By the end of year 4 the children are expected to know all of the tables up to 12 x 12 and will take the DFE Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) in June.