Welcome to Class 6
Class 6 – Autumn Term
World War II
This term we will be learning:
Reading will be taught as a whole-class lesson. We will be using When we were Warriors to answer comprehension and inferential questions.
In writing, the children will be using Letters from the Lighthouse as stimulus to write a variety of genres: missing person’s report, character descriptions, diary entry, newspaper report and a recount. There will also be stand-alone spelling, grammar and handwriting lessons during the week.
We will also look at war poetry linked to our reading sessions and topic work.
Please ensure your child reads regularly at home as it is one of the best ways to improve their writing.
This term Maths’ lessons will consist of: place value of numbers to 1,000,000 and negative numbers. The children will be using larger numbers when calculating with the four operations. They will learn properties of numbers including factors, multiples, primes, squares and cubes. This will then lead on to calculating with fractions. The children will then learn about coordinates, the four quadrants, translations and reflections.
It is important that the children continue to play TTRockstars to keep their skills sharp. Homework will be set using mymaths.co.uk.
During this term our Science sessions will be about the circulatory system, including the functions of the heart. We will look at the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on our bodies. We will also be leaning about electricity: the effects of voltages, comparing variations in components and recognising symbols.
Our main topic this term is World War II and The Battle of Britain. We will learn about how this was a significant turning point in British history. We will then look at the experiences of children who were evacuated and how the war affected people and life in Britain. Throughout the topic we will use our mapping skills to find about how land usage has changed over time.
Art/Design & Technology:
Our DT projects will be to design and create an air-raid shelter. Linked to our Science, we will be constructing torches. In art we will begin by looking at still life artists and then produce our own composition that conveys a meaning.
This term we are learning about the importance of secure passwords, cracking codes and the history of computers. We also link this to our Wider Curriculum lessons.
Our lessons in music will be developing melodic musical phrases, concentrating on how music can bring us together.
Global Religions:
During the term, we will be learning about what different religions believe in resurrection, life after death and forgiveness. These lessons will be taught by staff from Eaton Bank every fortnight to support transition.
In French, we will revisit key vocabulary associated with the weather and seasons. We will work towards holding a simple conversation of at least 4-5 exchanges.
In our PSHCE sessions will be learning about how our brains work and how they react to different emotions. We will also learn about our strengths and how to develop these.
The children’s P.E. session will be aim to be on a Thursday afternoon. This term there will be a focus on Football and Netball. Your child will need a PE kit in every day, as we sometimes have extra PE sessions and timetable changes.
English, Maths and Spelling homework will be given out weekly which will be set online via Google Classroom. Reading at home should be at least 5 times a week and recorded in planners.
If you have any queries or concerns, please contact the school office. If you need to contact either of us, you can do this via Class Dojo. Please bear in mind that we will not be able to answer your messages until after the end of the school day. This is due to our teaching commitments.
Class 6 – Spring Term
This term the children will be finishing off ‘Letters from The Lighthouse’ before studying a range of texts, including : ‘Tuesday’, ‘The London Eye Mystery’, ‘Skellig’ and ‘The Nowhere Emporium,’ where we will be writing in a range of styles. We will be finishing the Spring Term with the text, The Explorer to write a range of genres including : description of settings and characters, non-chronological reports, a narrative, diary, letters and instructions.
Some of the children’s writing will be used as evidence for their end of Key Stage 2 writing assessments.
We will be revising the spelling, punctuation and grammar objectives for Key Stage 2 throughout this term as well as learning the remainder of the Year 6 objectives. Whole class reading sessions will continue, in order to teach comprehension and inference skills using ‘The Jungle Book’ and ‘The Explorer’.
During our Maths sessions this term, the children will focus on the following areas: calculating with fractions, position and direction, decimals and percentages, perimeter, area and volume. In order for the children to be successful in these mathematical areas, it is imperative that they practise their arithmetic skills frequently. Arithmetic homework will be set in addition to the weekly requirements for TTRockstars.
Wider Curriculum:
Science: During the first half term our Science sessions will be learning about classification, including micro-organisms. After half term our focus will be evolution and adaption.
History/Geography: To start the term, we will doing a short unit of work on the United Kingdombefore moving onto our main topic, North and South America. We will look at the human and physical geographical features of both continents. The children will also study a historical person who was integral to the Americas.
Music: We will continue to follow the Charanga music scheme using the song “You’ve got a friend”.
Computing: During our computing sessions we will use Python to develop programming skills.
Art & Design: The children will be improving their drawing skills by using a range of media based on the painting “Surprised!” by Henri Rousseau.
DT: Our project this term will be based on moving parts.
World Religions: We will continue to be taught by one of Eaton Bank’s RE teacher.
SATs: As you are aware, the children work extremely hard this term in order to be ready to sit their SATs in May. We will be holding a parents’ meeting for you to learn more about the tests and also answer any of your questions or worries. We will also be providing a homework club (details to follow). I will do my utmost to make this time as stress free as possible for the children. Please talk to me if you or they have any concerns.
PSHCE: This term “My Happy Minds” will be an important part of our PSHCE lessons.
P.E: The children are currently undertaking P.E. on a Tuesday; Cheshire Cricket will deliver these sessions. Please ensure correct kit is in school and clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Homework: This term there will be English, Maths, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar homework given out weekly. Revision books and a timetable will be provided. Reading at home needs to be daily, with the reading comprehension tasks completed as well.