Mrs Pearce
I am the Year 5 teacher at Marlfields Primary Academy and have worked here since 2015. The children will tell you that my favourite subject is Maths and I love showing them how fascinating it can be.
What to expect in year 5
In Year 5, children are expected to be much more independent. They will be responsible for their attitude to learning which will mean they will make great progress. Building resilience is an excellent way to support your child.
Reading is not just important for the development of your child in English lessons but across all subject areas. We expect every child to read to an adult at home frequently – daily reading is known to be the best way to improve your child’s English skills. Once your child has read to you, please record the page numbers and initial in their planners.
English and Maths homework will be set on a Friday, to be completed by the following Thursday. Tasks will be set online and you should have your child’s usernames and passwords, any problems please ask. The children should also be practicing their times tables daily to ensure they are secure all the way up to 12 x 12. Spellings will be given out on a Monday ready for a quick test on Fridays. Regular practise is the best way to improve your child’s spelling.
Autumn Term
Ancient Greece

English: Reading will be taught as a whole-class lesson. We will be using an information text about Space and the myth Odd Frost and the Giant to answer comprehension and inferential questions.
In writing, the children will be using ‘The Barnabus Project’ as a stimulus to write a variety of genres: character descriptions, setting descriptions, an adventure story and a newspaper report. After the half term break we will be taking inspiration from ‘Who Let The Gods Out’ to further develop our understanding of character; suggest mood and atmosphere through vocabulary and write a third person narrative. There will be stand-alone spelling, grammar and handwriting lessons during the week. We will also look at poetry and have a go at performing some of our favourites. English homework will be set weekly on Google Classroom every Friday.
Maths: This term Maths’ lessons will consist of: place value of numbers to 1,000,000 including comparing, ordering and rounding; calculating using the four operations; powers of 10; multiples, factors, prime, square and cube numbers; equivalent, improper and mixed number fractions and calculating with fractions. Arithmetic skills including times tables will be a clear focus throughout the year. It is important that the children continue to play TTRockstars regularly and as part of their homework, to keep their skills sharp. Homework will be set using mymaths.co.uk and TTRockstars.
Science: During this term our Science sessions will be Earth and Space where the children will describe the movement of the Sun in the Solar system as well as the Moon relative to the Earth. This will then lead on to Forces. This unit will include the concept of gravity, air resistance and friction. Finally, we will learn about levels, pulleys and gears.
History/Geography: Our main topic this term is Ancient Greece. We will start the topic with who were the Ancient Greeks and how do we know how they lived. We will then look at what they have done for us in the modern world. In Geography, we will study Greece as a country including its geographical and physical features.
Art/Design & Technology: We will be studying Ancient Greek pottery and art based on the planets using chalk. We will design and make Mars rover buggies.
Computing: For our computing lessons we will be looking at networks, communication and transfer of data. The children will also be developing their CAD skills.
Music: This term we will be listening, singing, playing and performing a variety of music based on the questions: How does music bring us together and How does music connect with us and our past?
World Religions: During our RE sessions, we will be answering key questions about Jesus in the old and new testament. We will be looking at the representation of God in Christianity, Islam and Hinduism.
French: The children will be building on their learning from last year. We will then be learning phrases associated to the planets.
PSHCE: Our PSHCE themes this term are: Being me in my world and Celebrating difference. We will be looking at rights and responsibilities; how our behaviour impacts on others as well as respect for similarity and difference; anti-bullying and being unique.
PE: The children’s P.E. session will be on a Wednesday. The children will be swimming this term. Please ensure correct kit is in school daily and clearly labelled with your child’s name as there will be other times when we do PE.
Homework: Spelling homework will be given out on a Monday to be tested on Friday. English and Maths homework will be given out weekly on a Friday. English should be handed in on a Wednesday and Maths on a Thursday. Reading at home ideally should be daily. Please sign the children’s planners weekly.
Spring Term

English: Reading will be taught through our whole-class Pathways to Read lesson. We will be completing the texts: ‘The Last Wild’ and ‘Pollution’. We will also be looking at books from other cultures and traditions.
In writing, the children will be using ‘Everest by Alexander Stewart’ focusing their skills as to how to write a fact file; narrative; setting description; a diary and black out poetry. There will be stand-alone spelling, grammar, and handwriting lessons during the week. English homework will consist of weekly spellings; grammar and/or writing set weekly on Google Classroom on a Friday. Spelling homework will be given out on a Monday to be tested on Friday. Reading at home should be daily and planners should be signed weekly by an adult. The children also have the ‘Fifty’ recommended read challenge to continue to work on set by Mrs Isherwood.
Maths: This term Maths’ lessons will consist of: Adding and subtracting fractions; formal methods of multiplication and division multiplying fractions and equivalent fractions, decimals, and percentages. Arithmetic skills including times tables will be a clear focus throughout the year. It is important that the children continue to play TTRockstars regularly and as part of their homework, to keep their skills sharp. Homework will be set using mymaths.co.uk and TTRockstars.
Science: During this term we will be looking at water resistance as well as mechanisms. We will then study: Properties and changes of materials looking at hardness, solubility, transparency, and conductivity. We conduct fair tests using solids, liquids and gases before moving on to reversible and irreversible changes, all these will enhance our scientific enquiry skills.
History/Geography: This term we work on a Geography focus: Mountains and Rivers. We will use maps, atlases and globes to locate countries, identify physical features of mountains and rivers around the world. We link all of this while looking at historical explorers.
Art and Design: The focus of our art lessons this term will be impressionism and the skills they needed to create their work e.g. Monet. We will study landscapes inspired by Karla Gerard.
Design & Technology: The children will design and make their own bags with an eco-friendly theme.
Computing: For our computing lessons we will be looking at search engines and how not everything on the internet is true. The second part of the term will be programming music.
Music: Our first unit is Composing and chordswhich will create our own compositions. After this we will enjoy different music styles looking at ‘texture’.
World Religions: During our sessions, we will be looking at where different religions worship, express and celebrate their faith.
French: The children will be building on their learning from last term: counting and saying their age; reciting the months and saying the month their birthday is in; describing themselves.
PSHCE: Our PSHCE themes this term start with celebrating and respecting difference. We then look at dreams and goals. What our aspirations are and how to achieve our goals. We use the school ‘Jigsaw’ curriculum scheme of work.
PE: The children’s P.E. session will be on a Wednesday where the children will continue to swim. The children will also have a PE session every two weeks with Harry our coach. Please ensure correct kit is in school daily and clearly labelled with your child’s name as there will be other opportunities/team practices which they will need them for.