Welcome to the Maths page for Marlfields. We follow the Power Maths Scheme as a basis for our learning. During Maths sessions children will work on their fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills. Arithmetic skills are important in order to support your child’s understanding and applying of different Maths’ concepts. You can help by practising their times tables and basic calculations of all four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).
Our calculation policy shows you the type of representations and images we teach in class – to view a copy click here: Marlfields Calcuation Policy 2018
Mymaths is used in class and for homework. It also has games for your child to play. Your child’s login and password are in their school planners. If you use an iPad or Andriod tablet device then you may need to download Puffin Academy from the app store to access mymaths.
We also use TTRockstars which challenges the children to improve their recall of times tables facts. The children love competing against each other.
Our aim at Marlfields is to make Maths fun, enjoyable and achievable for all. We promote a positive attitude towards the children’s learning, where they learn by having a go, learning from mistakes and using their knowledge in a variety of situations.
If you have any questions about Maths at Marlfields, please just ask.
Louise Pearce, Maths Lead