Class 1- Summer Term

‘Paws, Claws, Fins and Fingers’

Our topic is Animals.

We will be focusing on lots of texts linked to animals and learning all about the different animals around the world.

As always, if you have any questions, queries, concerns or comments, please feel free to speak to me when I collect or bring out the children.

English: Reading will be taught as three sessions. Each session will focus on a different reading skill. To assist with your child’s reading development, it is essential to read with them at home. We will be using the ‘Talk 4 Writing’ approach to develop our storytelling and writing skills. This term, we will be using non-fiction and fiction texts, including ‘The Lion Inside’, ‘Otto the Book Bear’ and animal fact files. As well as this, we will be reading poems, rhymes and traditional tales to develop our storytelling and writing skills. As we move through the final term, we will be focusing on our handwriting and developing our cursive letter formation. The key composition focus will be to ensure the correct grammar and punctuation are used independently throughout written work and that the children are beginning to extend their own writing.

PSHE We will continue our learning using the Jigsaw Scheme and we will be focusing on the topics ‘Relationship’ and ‘Changing me’. A knowledge organiser will be sent with information on these units.

Maths: We will be developing our understanding of place value, focusing on numbers 1-100. We will be developing our ability to count in multiples of 2, 5 and 10 and the children’s ability to recognise the patterns emerging. We will be moving on to multiplication and division through grouping and sharing and will also begin to look at simple fractions of ½ and ¼. This will link with our progression on to time at the end of the summer term, where we will be learning how to tell the time to the hour and also half past, quarter past and quarter too and also focusing on position and direction. It would be a great help if you could continue to encourage your child to count in multiples of 2,5 and 10 and also ensure they are recognising and writing numbers to 100 correctly.

Science: During the Summer term our key focus will be on plants. We will be learning to identify and label the basic structures of plants and trees and also begin to identify specific species of each. As part of the focus we will dissect a plant to look closely at the inside of the structure and also grow our own seeds, predicting where and how they will grow best and observing the changes throughout the process.

History/ Geography: This term we will be looking at the main features of a hot and cold places in addition to describing locality using pictures and words. We will also be able to explain what we might wear in different climates and start to use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to key physical features. In History we will be learning about Nelson Mandela and talk about an important historical event that has happened in the past.

Art/ DT: This term the children will be focusing on the skills drawing and painting. They will explore the topic animals by creating paintings and sketches of animals we have researched alongside sketching their own faces and exploring animal art from around the world. We will be creating split-pin lions to support our learning of the story ‘The Lion Inside’ and explore foods that are healthy and unhealthy for our bodies.

Computing: The children will be developing their understanding of programming through the use of algorithms and debugging a simple sequence.

Music: We will be continuing to use the ‘Charanga’ music scheme to develop our voice and instrument skills. As part of our topic, we will also be listening to music from across the decades within the UK and also from countries across the world.

World Religions: We will be focusing on recognising the features of a church building and we will look at different artefacts found in a church and explain why they are important to Christians. We will also describe some of the things that happen at the synagogue and why Shabbat is important.

PE: Please ensure correct kit is in school daily and clearly labelled with your child’s name as our PE sessions will take place regularly throughout the week. They will be focusing on mastering basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination.

Homework: English, Phonics, Maths and Spelling homework will be given out each Friday. It is also expected that children complete 5 minutes worth of spelling practice every day, as well as daily reading.

Reading at home should consist of parents listening and questioning their child, for a bare minimum of 3 times a week. I cannot stress how important this is and what a huge impact reading has on all areas of the learning.